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全介質(zhì)ADSS光纜 ADSS光纜廠家 ADSS-AT-4B1 ADSS-AT-12B1


  • 廠商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間:2024-08-27
  • 訪  問  量:231


ADSS-PE-4B1     300米檔距  3.8    400米檔距4.9    500米檔距6
ADSS-PE-8B1     300米檔距  4.3    400米檔距5.3    500米檔距6.4
ADSS-PE-12B1    300米檔距  4.7    400米檔距5.8    500米檔距6.9
ADSS-PE-24B1    300米檔距  5.9    400米檔距7      500米檔距8.1

ADSS-AT-4B1     300米檔距  4.8    400米檔距5.9    500米檔距7
ADSS-AT-8B1     300米檔距  5.3    400米檔距6.3    500米檔距7.4
ADSS-AT-12B1    300米檔距  5.7    400米檔距6.8    500米檔距7.9
ADSS-AT-24B1    300米檔距  6.9    400米檔距8      500米檔距9.1





ADSS cable is loose tube stranded. Fibers,  250μm , are positioned into a loose tube made of high modulus plastics. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. The tubes (and fillers) are stranded around a FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) as a non-metallic central strength member into a compact and circular cable core. After the cable core is filled with filling compound. it is covered with thin PE (polyethylene) inner sheath. After stranded layer of aramid yarns are applied over the inner sheath as strength member, the cable is completed with PE or AT (anti-tracking) outer sheath.

·產(chǎn)品特點 Characteristics

        · Can be installed without shutting off the power

        · Excellent AT performance, The maximum inductive at the operating point of AT sheath can reach

        · Light weight and small diameter reducing the load caused by ice and wind and the load on towers
             and backprops

        · Large span lengths and the largest span is over 1000m

        · Good performance of tensile strength and temperature

        · The design life span is 30 years     

·產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用 Application


The actual status of overhead power lines is taken into full consideration when ADSS cable is being designed. For overhead power lines under 110kV, PE outer sheath is applied. FOR power lines equal to or over 110kV, AT outer sheath is applied. The dedicate design of aramid quantity and stranding process can satisfy the demand on various spans.




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